Your Choice Solar – Glenray Industries Solar Installation

Install of the Week – Glenray Industries Pty Ltd, 99.2kw system Specs: 3 x 27kW Fronius Eco Inverters – export has been limited to the full capacity. It’s very rare for a system this large to get 100% of inverter capacity as its limit for export. 248 x 400W Seraphim Split Cell Panels – installed with the recently released 400W big boys at over 2 meters long per panel, what made this roof design challenging is the number of exhaust fans on the roof, and pre-existing roof damage in some areas, all of which we had to avoid Setting up the site for pre-installation started with scaffolding end to end, a crane to lift the long Roof Walkways, a scissor lift for the many lengths of rail which the panels connect to and a panel lift to get the 2 meter panels onto the roof quickly. Prior to the panels going on we had all the rail and established the Cable Tray Management System, Roof Walkway, Skylight bridges, Handrails and safety signage, we also covered the skylights in brightly colored tape to avoid potential falls. This installation took the team just over 1 week to complete from start to finish. Overall this installation was a success, customers extremely happy with the quality outcome of our finished product!